Appalachian Trail

The Appalachian Trail is a 2185.9 mile long footpath stretching from Springer Mountain, Georgia to Mount Katahdin, Maine. Every Spring, hikers from all over head to Georgia and start walking north, attempting to hike the whole trail in one season. This is called a thru-hike. Only about 25% make it all of the way.

This blog follows our progress as we hike north.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hanover to Franconia Notch

New Hampshire is a whole new ballgame. In the roughly 70 miles since Hanover it has gotten progressively harder every day. Crazy steep climbs and descents. This is the White Mountains. Below are most of the peaks in order so far:

Moose Mtn
Smarts Mtn
Mt Cube
Mt Moosilauke
Mt Wolf
Kinsman Mtn

We are at Franconia Notch, resuppling for a 5 day stretch in the Whites.

Mile 1812.8 - 373.1 to go.


  1. hope you guys enjoy Franconia notch as much as I did. the views are amazing. the whites were my favorite section of the trail, although climbing Katahdin was fun as hell. Bulldog
