Appalachian Trail

The Appalachian Trail is a 2185.9 mile long footpath stretching from Springer Mountain, Georgia to Mount Katahdin, Maine. Every Spring, hikers from all over head to Georgia and start walking north, attempting to hike the whole trail in one season. This is called a thru-hike. Only about 25% make it all of the way.

This blog follows our progress as we hike north.

About Us

We are Mark and Kristie from Southern Indiana.  We have been hiking and backpacking together for over ten years.  Our first trip on the AT was in 2004 when we did a 100-mile stretch north of the Smokies.  In 2005 we spent several months on the trail as well, but never made it back after that.  Now it is 2013, the year we have been waiting and planning for to complete a thru-hike together.

Kristie (Wander Woman)
One year before our anticipated start date of March 20th, 2013, she found this shirt with the words "Wander Woman" on it.  Having had a conversation about trail names just days before, it seemed like a sure sign from the Trail Gods.

Mark (Clark Kent)
One of the people that we hiked with in 2005 was named "Skywalker", and he happened to write a book about his hike that year.  One day we were talking about the spot in the book where he describes me as "mild-mannered", and someone joked that I should be called "Clark Kent".  It just sort of stuck after that, and goes with "Wander Woman" anyway.

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